Our Vision: Educators are innovators
Dr. Özer enjoys studying in libraries and diving in our oceans.
Educators are the true innovators. They are the source of knowledge, inspiration and ideas for learners who build, manage and carry us to the future.
Now more than ever, education is experiencing an enormous transition from merely technology-supported classrooms to technology-oriented, action-learning environments. While some core concepts remain the same and need to be taught as part of course syllabi over the long term, instructors are looking for new ways to better engage students. Higher education instructors face an additional challenge - how to integrate real-world scenarios into the class to prepare students as key contributors, innovators and managers of startups, for-profit, and non-profit organizations.
We strive to be at the forefront of this transformation by providing tools to help instructors educate and guide the next generation learners.
Our vision is to provide instructors a powerful, yet simple business game platform that promotes discussion and engagement in the classroom. Our first discipline of focus is Operations Management (OM).
Fathomd games help students self-discover fundamental concepts through role-play, interaction and instant feedback.
Our approach is built on a rigorous content creation process and a new technology architecture for gamification that makes playing games in the class a delightful, fast, and effortless experience for both the instructor and students.
As a result, instructors are empowered to innovate in the concepts they teach, while students are provided a more engaging and effective learning experience, leading to better decision-making in the real world.
Dr. Ozalp Ozer,